Command Line Interface - BASH and MS-DOS

Early version of Tethys Platform required the coding to be done in a Linux (typically Ubuntu) environment. However, with Tethys 2.0, the Tethys development tools can be installed and used seamlessly on Mac OS X, Windows, or Linux. However, no matter what environment you are using, you will need to use the terminal or command line. This is required both to install Tethys and to run the Python virtual environment used by Tethys. Therefore, this is one of the first things you will need to become familiar with. On Mac OS, the terminal looks like this:

For Mac OS and Linux, the terminal uses a command language called "BASH". Some of the more commonly used commands are:

$ pwd
  Print working directory
$ ls
  List the contents of the current directory
$ ls -l
  List the contents and details of the current directory
$ cd <directory name>
  Change the current working directory to the directory specified (typically a relative path to a subdirectory.
$ cd ..
  Change the current working directory to the parent directory

On Windows machines, the terminal uses the MS-DOS language, which is similar to BASH, with a few differences:

BASH Resources

This is a great tutorial for learning BASH:

Other resources:

MS-DOS Resources

Some useful links:


BYU Hydroinformatics Group

Brigham Young University
Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering