Learning Tethys

This site contains a collection of resources designed to aid someone build a foundation of knowledge and skills necessary to start developing web apps using Tethys Platform.

Tethys Platform was originally developed at Brigham Young University as part of the CI-WATER project. CI-WATER was a cyberinfrastructure grant associated with the NSF EPSCoR program and involved four universities: Brigham Young University, the University of Utah, Utah State University, and the University of Wyoming. One of primary objectives of CI-WATER was to "Enhance access to data and computationally-intensive modeling". Tethys Platform was designed to help achieve this by providing a full suite of software development tools and resources so that scientists and engineers working in the field of water resource management can quickly and easily develop web apps for decision support. Tethys Platform was originally developed by Nathan Swain as part of his PhD research at BYU. Tethys is free and open source and has an active community of developers.

While Tethys "lowers the bar" to web app development, it still requires some training and programming skills. The objective of this website is to host a suite of resources that we have found to be helpful in building the basic skillset required to become proficient at Tethys development. We develop and maintain this material primarily for use by the undergraduate and graduate research assistants here at BYU in the Hydroinformatics Group, but we welcome everyone to use this material.

Suggested Order of Completion

The content on this site has been organized in a systematic fashion. We suggest that you study the materials in the order they are shown in the navigation bar at the top of this page. For example:

  1. BASH
  2. Python
  3. Conda
  4. etc.

As you go through the material, don’t feel like you need to learn everything in perfect detail. We want you to get a basic understanding at this point so that things at least look familiar and you will know where to go for more detailed information. We assume that you have at least had an introduction to Tethys Platform. If not, you may want to start out by visiting the Tethys Platform website and kicking around to get familiar with things.


The faculty at BYU who manage research related to Tethys Platform are:

Norm Jones - http://emrl.byu.edu/njones/

Jim Nelson - https://ceen.et.byu.edu/content/e-james-nelson

Dan Ames - https://ceen.et.byu.edu/content/dan-ames


The students at BYU (current and former) who have contributed to Tethys Platform are:

Nathan Swain Michael Soufrant Shawn Crawley
Scott Christiansen Ezra Rice Xiaohui Qiao
Alan Snow Jacob Fullerton Mohit Khattar
Noah Taylor Savannah Keane Matthew Bayles
Ezra Rice Sarva Pulla  

If your names is not on the list and it should be, drop a note to Dr. Jones


BYU Hydroinformatics Group

Brigham Young University
Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering